What are Radiofrequency Treatments?
Rediofrequency (RF) energy applies RF energy to the skin: resulting tissue resistance to the RF energy generates heat in the dermis, which causes a controlled thermal dermal injury. It is this controlled thermal dermal injury that causes collagen tightening and new collagen formation. The geometry of the delivery tip, the energy levels and the degree of hydration of the individual determine how much of a thermal injury is created.
Before and after radiofrequency treatments to mid and lower face and jawline
"Well, the last time I had a picture taken I could hardly see my eyes because of the weight of heavy eyelid. Then I paid attention to how I was actually using my eyes and I really noticed when I was looking at anything especially the computer I was straining my forehead to see better. Since I have had it done I no longer have to lift the forehead and tilt my head to see. It is amazing! I love..." D. Rock 63 Yrs Old with Fat Droopy Eyes - Salt Lake City, UT
How are Radiofrequency Treatments delivered?
The tip of the delivery device which runs over the skin is cooled so that the epidermis remains cool but the dermal tissues are heated up to 40 – 43 degrees centigrade. The degree of heating, the rapidity of heating and the cycles of heating all determine the type of results one gets. RF devices apply energies in different ways. Unipolar energy gets delivered deeper. Bipolar tips deliver energy more superficially. Generally, a combination of deep and superficial energy will be delivered over one or more cycles to obtain medium and deeper tissue collagen heating. There are a number of different machines made by different companies which may be used.
How do Radiofrequency Treatments work?
New collagen is build in the heated areas, resulting in a subtle but definite tightening of the tissues, which often shows as moderate lifting. However, this is not a procedure done to actually lift tissues like loose necks and heavy jowls.
Before and after radiofrequency treatments to jawline and pouch under chin
Which parts of the body can be treated with
Radiofrequency Treatments?
On the face, the forehead, cheeks, jaw line, jowls and neck respond well. We generally treate the lower face, the jawline (including the jowls) and the neck, and especially the submental area which often has some looseness which may be fat deposition. Radiofrequency treatments may also be used on other parts of the body with laxity such as the flanks, abdomen, buttocks and thighs.
Commonly treated areas: 1. Lower face/cheek 2. Forehead 3. Jawline 4. Jowl and melolabial fold (marionette lines) 5. Upper cheek and smile lines 6. Chin 7. Medial cheek and nasolabial fold
Who gets the best results with radiofrequency treatments?
Well-hydrated patients get the best results. Hydrate yourself well with water before and after the treatment.
Patients between the ages of 25 and 55 years get the best results as the collagen is still in reasonable condition. Older patients who have had treatments or surgery to the face will also respond and get some lifting and skin tightening.
When are the results of radiofrequency treatments more limited?
Heavy jowls and necks will only respond moderately. That is not to say there will be no result, but the results after several treatments will be more modest.
Patients with very loose skin and lots of wrinkles will respond less.
Lots of looseness under the chin and loose neck skin with bands will respond more conservatively.
How painful are radiofrequency treatments?
Most patients do not need any pain medication or sedation. Because these treatments are delivered over several treatments (generally once every three to four weeks for six treatments), there is no need to heat the tissues like the earlier machines used to. This also avoids problems like fat atrophy and depression
What sort of results can I expect?
There will be a nice layer of new collagen which gives the jawline and the face firmness and some lifting. However, this is NOT a facelift. The results of facelifts are much more dramatic and impressive. If you need a facelift, we will perform a facelift!
However, patients who have had facelifts and have some mild to moderate looseness do very well with these radiofrequency treatments. Indeed, it is a very nice way to maintain the result of a facelift (together with fillers, which are needed from time-to-time as we continue to age after facelifts, albeit somewhat more slowly!)
"I had a excellent eye lift done by Dr. Patel. He knows what he is doing and is very pleasant. Dr.Patel was easy to get an appointment and he works with you. The office staff was very pleasant and made you feel calm." D. Gull Highly recommended for eye lift surgery - Salt Lake City, UT
Before and after radiofrequency treatments to smile lines and upper cheeks
Can radiofrequency treatments be used around the eyelids?
Expertly delivered radiofrequency energy across the forehead will give a moderate elevation of the brows, and energy delivered just below the brows and lower lids and outer corners of the eyelids will give an improvement in the hooding of skin that occurs with time and also an improvement in the smile lines. However, smile lines are best treated with a combination of radiofrequency to improve the collagen and botox to reduce the muscular component where indicated.
Radiofrequency treatments cannot be used to improve baggy lower eyelids, especially if there is lower eyelid fat prolapse.
How long will the effects of radiofrequency last?
The aging process of the skin and deeper tissues continues, but the new collagen that is formed will give you an improvement for at least two years. Maintenance after the series of six treatments has been completed generally maintains results for longer.
Are radiofrequency treatments safe?
With refinements, the modern radiofrequency machines do not carry the risk of fat atrophy and divets in the tissues. Radiofrquency has been used in the operating theaters for more than 30 years so the safety profile of these machines is well studied and established.
What will I look like right after the radiofrequency treatment? What will the healing time be?
Most people can return to normal activities immediately after treatment. Mild redness is the most that is seen as all the “action” is under the surface! Makeup may be applied immediately at the end of the treatment. There are no restrictions, other than keeping yourself well hydrated for the following 24 hours as well. Mild swelling may occur but
bruising is almost never seen.
Can radiofrequency treatment be administered together with
botox and fillers?
We do this often: the sequence of the treatments is determined based upon which fillers are being used, where they are being administered, and where the radiofrequency treatments are being delivered. We will guide you. After using Sculptra, we will not administer radiofrequency treatments directly over the sclulptra for four months.
Are there any contraindications to radiofrequency treatments?
If you have an active skin infection, are pregnant or have a pacemaker, we will not administer radiofrequency treatments.
Frequently Asked Questions About Facelifts
I have an event coming up. How do I plan my radiofrequency treatments?
Treatments are administered every three to four weeks for a total of about six treatments. The improvement is seen gradually over that period. If your function is before your series is complete, you will still see a moderate improvement. However, many patients who have upcoming events will be assessed and treated using other modalities which can leave the face looking fresh, smooth and healthy. Chat to us about any upcoming events you have and we will assess and guide you.
I have baggy upper and lower lids but I don’t want to undergo surgery. Is treatment with a radiofrequency device an option?
Some tightening of the upper eyelids can be achieved with the radiofrequency devices as well as with fractionated ablative lasers. Even the baggy lower eyelids may show some improvement to a more aggressive ablative laser, and without surgery. However, radiofrequency treatment alone will not give you an improvement that would be particularly noticeable, especially if you have a marked degree of laxity to your upper eyelids and bags affecting your lower eyelids. Other options that will give you a nice result with lower eyelids (without surgery) is th use of fillers. Botox on the brows can improve the brow position and secondarily improve hooding of upper eyelid skin.
I am extremely busy with no downtime. What would be best for me if I wanted to see an improvement?
Depends. Depends upon the areas that bother you. Without surgery, a number of treatments can give nice improvements with little to no downtime. Most of our patients these days are very busy. Treatments ranging from chemical peels, advanced fotofacial treatments, vascular and pigment treatments, fractionated ablative erbium and CO2 lasers, fillers, botox and radiofrequency treatments can give appreciable results. We know from experience that combining treatments give better results in many patients: for example, botox is used to relax and elevate certain areas, fillers are used to fill out hollows and grooves and different lasers to improve the glow and health of the skin. We can show you photographs to give you an example of what results we can achieve!