What is a Neck Liposuction?
Suctioning fat out of several segments in the neck is termed neck liposuction. The usual areas which are amenable to liposuction include the submental area, the jowls and along the jaw line. Fat which is deep to the platysma muscle is NOT amenable to liposuction: it can be resected via a small submental incision with direct vision.
Am I a Candidate for a Neck Liposuction?
Patients that are good candidates for an isolated neck lift are patients with the following:
Loose neck skin without much laxity of the lower face and jawline
Moderate neck bands
Moderate submental fullness
Any combination of the above and as long as the patient understands that the lower face and jaw line will not be improved by the neck lift.
How will I be Assessed?
Examination of the neck structures as described under the “Conditions” Neck section will allow one to determine if an isolated neck rejuvenation procedure is a reasonable option. It is important to remember that with the neck, tissue restitution occurs: this is a concept that is not well-known in plastic surgery or, is at least not well appreciated. Essentially, what you see immediately after surgery is NOT what you get in the medium or long term. The skin of the neck and décolleté is prone to develop fine lines, deep-set lines, loss of skin elasticity and discoloration. Neck skin is thinner than facial skin. The face has 30 times the pilosebaceous units than the neck or chest and 40 times that of the hands and arms. Therefore, neck skin responds more slowly to any surface skin treatments like lasers and chemical peels.
Case Study 1: What can I expect from liposuction of the neck
The advantage of performing liposuction of the neck over other treatments like Kybella injections is that we can improve fat collections in the sub-mental area, the jowls, the lower neck and lateral jawline. This allows us to give the patient a better definition of the neck and the jawline.
However, it is important to remember that although there will be some re-contouring of the neck skin, there will definitely be some loose skin remaining. The patient to the right wanted a conservative treatment of her "fatty neck" and got an excellent result with which she "is over the moon and better than I expected".
Liposuction of the jawline and neck and direct resection of some of the submental fat from deep to the platysma
CASE STUDY 2: What can I expect from liposuction of the neck
Liposuction of the jawline and neck alone
This patient wanted a more defined jawline and less full of a neck. Liposuction alone was used here to give her more definition of the jawline, a better defined neck, and more prominence to the chin and lower face without a facelift or necklift. She had very good skin tone, which is why we were able to just perform a neck liposuction.
She would have obtained an even better result with a small chin implant, but, understandably, she was happy with the result she obtained with just liposuction.
CASE STUDY 3: What can I expect from liposuction of the neck
This young lady just could not lose the fullness of her neck, no matter how much she dieted or exercized. Genetically, some people just retain this fat below the chin and are born with poorer jawlines: thanks dad and/or mum!
In these patients, just redefining the jawline and creating a bit of a shadow under the chin gives a more defined facial structure. This is particularly picked up on photographs, and especially selfies!!
Only neck liposuction was performed on this charming lady.
Liposuction of the jawline and neck and direct resection of some of the submental fat from deep to the platysma
"I used to work with Dr. Patel and having seen his excellent results, I asked him to help me with my fat neck! Because of my age (mid thirties), he suggested neck liposuction. After my surgery, I had to massage the area and Dr. Patel performed some radiofrequency treatments as well (I think he gave me the VIP treatment!). I am so very pleased with my result! My photographs look so much better!." Rani. K 37 Yrs Old with Fat Neck- Salt Lake City, UT
What other Procedures May be Performed with a Neck liposuction?
The commonest procedure performed at the same time as a neck liposuction is a face lift. This combination gives a congruous improvement from the midface all the way down to the neck. Other procedures include necklift, chin augmentation and platysma plication.
What kind of results can I expect after neck liposuction?
With limited incisions come shorter procedures, but also more limited results. It is important for you to understand the pros and cons of the different procedures on the face and neck so one is not disappointed. Liposuction will give a reduction in the fatty component of the neck. We are always careful not to over-remove fat to avoid excessive skin folds. There is an artistic judgement made during liposuction. In many patients, we will combine liposuction of the neck with a more limited necklift procedure: this is both less time-intensive and less involved than a full facelift.
Other Before & After cases of neck liposuction
"I had a excellent eye lift done by Dr. Patel. He knows what he is doing and is very pleasant. Dr.Patel was easy to get an appointment and he works with you. The office staff was very pleasant and made you feel calm." D. Gull Highly recommended for eye lift surgery - Salt Lake City, UT